Registered user since Tue 9 Jan 2018
Name:Igor Steinmacher
I completed a PhD in Computer Science at the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics at University of São Paulo in 2015. Currently, I am an Assistant Professor at the Northern Arizona University, USA. I was a visiting scholar at the University of California, Irvine from July 2013 to January 2014.
I research the intersections of Software Engineering (SE) and Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). Currently, I am working on the support of newcomers to Open Source Software development communities. I am interested in Open Source Software, Human Aspects of Software Engineering, Empirical Software Engineering, and Mining Software Repositories techniques.
Affiliation:Northern Arizona University, USA
Personal website: http://www.igor.pro.br
X (Twitter): https://x.com/igorsteinmacher
Research interests:Mining Software Repositories; Open Source Software; Human Aspects of Software Engineering; Developers Onboarding
- The Shifting Sands of Motivation: Revisiting What Drives Contributors in Open Source
- Coffee Chat: Falamos português!
- SCORE Co-Chair in Organizing Committe
- Session Chair of Awards Announcement 8 (part of Awards)
- What Makes a Great Maintainer of Open Source Projects?
- Session Chair of 4.1.1. Open Source: General Issues (part of Technical Track)
- Session Chair of 2.1.4. Tools for the Python Language (part of Technical Track)
International Conference on Program Comprehension
Mining Software Repositories
ICSE 2021-profile
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