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TechDebt 2021
Wed 19 - Fri 21 May 2021
co-located with ICSE 2021
Wed 19 May 2021 18:00 - 18:10 at TechDebt Room - Industrial Panel Chair(s): Carolyn Seaman

Wed 19 May

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

18:00 - 19:20
Industrial PanelTechnical Papers / Tools at TechDebt Room
Chair(s): Carolyn Seaman University of Maryland Baltimore County
A Decision Support System Towards a Systemic Perspective on Technical Debt Management
Technical Papers
Media Attached
Industrial Panel
Technical Papers
S: Florian Deissenboeck CQSE GmbH, Jan Bosch Chalmers University of Technology, S: Ramsés Gallego Micro Focus, S: Robert Lagerstedt Robert Bosch AB, S: Rodrigo Rebouças de Almeida Federal University of Paraiba
Media Attached
Architectural Archipelagos: Technical Debt in Long-Lived Software Research Platforms
Technical Papers
Marcelo Schmitt Laser University of Southern California, USA, Duc Minh Le Bloomberg, USA, Joshua Garcia University of California, Irvine, Nenad Medvidović University of Southern California, USA
Pre-print Media Attached

Information for Participants
Wed 19 May 2021 18:00 - 19:20 at TechDebt Room - Industrial Panel Chair(s): Carolyn Seaman
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